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Micro Smart Grid

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    Product Description
    What is a smart microgridSmart Grid is to advanced renewable energy technologies (solar power, wind power, biomass, tidal energy, etc.), energy management system (EMS) and the original transmission and distribution infrastructure and the formation of a new highly integratedgrid, it has to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact and improve the safety and reliability of electricity supply, reduce energy loss grid to achieve with the user interaction and value-added services provide users with several advantages.

    Product Feature
    What is a smart microgridSmart Grid is to advanced renewable energy technologies (solar power, wind power, biomass, tidal energy, etc.), energy management system (EMS) and the original transmission and distribution infrastructure and the formation of a new highly integratedgrid, it has to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact and improve the safety and reliability of electricity supply, reduce energy loss grid to achieve with the user interaction and value-added services provide users with several advantages.Intelligence in the following areas:Can be monitored - the use of advanced measurement, sensor technology;Predictable - through data analysis, a reasonable distribution of electricity;Control - state control of observation;Compatible - access distributed generation, independent of the processing technology;Real-time analysis - data to information improved.Micro-grid in the following areas:Small - from a single photovoltaic or wind turbine or building renewable energy power generation systems, each generating unit is small grid.Independence - Each generation system can work independently.

    What are the characteristics of smart micro-gridSmart grid mainly have strong, self-healing, tolerance, economic, integration, optimization and other features.1) strong (robust or strong).In a major grid disturbance and failure, power supply can still maintain the ability for users without a major blackout; in natural disasters and extreme weather conditions or man-made external damage can still ensure the safe operation of power grid;has the ability to ensure information security and anti-virus immunity.2) self-healing (self-healing).Real-time, on-line continuous security assessment and analysis capabilities, powerful control system for early warning and prevention control, automatic fault diagnosis, fault isolation and system self-recovery capability.3) compatible (compatible).Support for renewable energy, the correct, reasonable access, distributed generation and micro power grid to adapt to the access, demand-side management capabilities enable more complete and improved implementation and efficient interaction with the user interaction to meet the diverse electricity usersneeds.4) economic (economical).Electricity market and power trade to support the effective development; the rational allocation of resources; reduce the power loss; to improve energy efficiency; to provide users with an affordable price level of electricity.5) integration (integrated).To achieve a high degree of network integration and sharing of information, using a unified platform and model to realize the standardization and refinement of management.6) optimization (optimized).Optimize asset utilization, reduce investment costs and operation and maintenance costs.

    What are the benefits of smart grid can1) fully meet the demand for power load growth;2) To ensure the security of electricity supply and reliability;3) improve the economics of electricity supply and energy conservation;4) The development of renewable energy, changing the power structure, to prevent the energy crisis, to meet the requirements of environmental protection;5) to ensure power quality, achieve quality and value-added services to users;

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    manufacturer   factory   supplier   export   price   Generator   Parts   &   Accessories  
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